Hilton, Capitol Hill, Washington D.C., November 15th-17th
On 16th November, 16.00 EST Arlie Sterling, President of Marsoft and Director Blue Sky Maritime Coalition will join David Cummins, President and CEO of Blue Sky Maritime Coalition who will lead a panel discussion MARITIME DECARBONISATION: A ROADMAP TO 2050. They will be joined by Kevin Humphreys, Green Corridor Chairman Blue Sky Maritime Coalition, and Kathy Metcalf, President and CEO Chamber of Shipping America.
The discussion will focus on how the value chain as a whole can, through the Coalition , work collaboratively to create a 2050 vision and roadmap to advance new technologies, fuels and supporting infrastructure in concert with public policy/regulation and commercial ways of working while simultaneously working to incrementally reduce carbon equivalent emissions today.
The LNG Bunkering North American Summit 2022 brings together those in the North American Maritime industry concerned with the decarbonization industry. Over the course of 3 days, industry leaders will discuss ground-breaking regional projects, operators’ plans for the decade ahead, the viability of alternative marine fuels, how to secure investments into infrastructure projects, the evolution of maritime policy and more. To view the agenda and more: click here
Marsoft continues to be committed to helping its clients and the wider shipping community to achieve emissions reductions.